Saturday, November 25, 2006

Illustration Friday- Invention

Randy's invention didn't go over too well with the rest of the colony.
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Anonymous said...

Pity, it is a good idea out there, someone might get thirsty.
Nice illustration, interesting take on the subject.

Luisa said...

:) very nice!

Dora said...

cute penguin!!!! ^.^

Kim de Young said...

Maybe he should have started with grape... I was always taught not to eat yellow snow... very cute!

Tonje said...

This made me laugh!!! I was also taught not eat yellow snow...

Anonymous said...

cute :P the refrigeratory surrounding...

° said...

i agree with ppc thats wht pa zap said too and i think chong said it to cheech one christmas too soo it must be true. but slushes are good in the summer. cute illo

Anonymous said...

Awww, what a cute penguin :)

jobooty said...

mmm...yellow snow and penguins. my two favorite things.

Dan said...

five cents is WAY too much in penguin currency. The most i can see a lemon slushie going for is maybe, MAYBE three pebbles.

but five cents? that is madness.

Michelle Lana said...

Haaahha....very cute! i love it!

Jeannetto said...

Awesome! I just saw "Happy Feet" today with my little cousin, and I believe there was a yellow snow joke in there somewhere.

Unknown said...

love it! Great idea!